This page is best viewed with HotJava ( its just text, but HotJava has cute round buttons not square ones )

This page serves as a quick lookup for access outside firewalls, it is little more than a hot list file serves as a reference list on Ultrix, OSF, Linux, Windows, with Netscape, NCSA , Arena and Java. It makes no use of advanced HTML features, and so will even work with text mode browsers.

Interesting Places list

return to my home page

Frequent list

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Search engines

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ftp servers

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Those who's stuff I own

  • Midwest Micro
  • Number Nine
  • Corp Sys SCSI Stuff
  • Fujitsu In North America
  • InfoMagic Main Index Page
  • Adaptec's Home Page
  • Connectix
  • Seagate Technology Home Page
  • Maxtors' Home Page
  • CONNER-Home Page return to index

    Companies - Note: for not listed try //

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    Networking products and services

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    other specific software sources

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    Media resources

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    New Hampshire

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    Life online

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    New Unsorted stuff

    return to index
    last updated Dec 9 1995 apm